An acupuncture health center blog

October 27th, 2009 by Scott Paglia LAc Leave a reply »

It’s an interesting question when you think about it. To blog or not to blog? In an age where everyone and their uncle is publishing online what could we possibly add to that mess?

Well for starters, we have some great stories and unbelievably effective treatments, thanks to my teachers.  This blog is a dedication to the spirit of genius that fuels Chinese medicine as well as a tribute to our patients, without whom this would be utterly pointless.

In the coming weeks please check back with us as we will be regularly updating this site. I would like to make this blog relevant to patients and practitoners.  I will be covering issues that we see in the clinic every day.  Please feel free to comment and let us know what else you would like to hear about.

Before I sign off on today’s blog I would like to talk  a little about our methods here. I am recognized as a senior student of  Dr. Jimmy Chang, one of Taiwan’s most famous pulse and herb doctors.  We use Dr. Tan’s Balance Method but taken it in a different direction. We follow Deke Kendall’s vascular distribution charts and have dropped the erroneous meridian system. Our clinical model is based on the work of my mentor, Bob Doane, L.Ac.

As an ice breaker for all of you out there, please check out a short article I wrote entitled Demystifying Chinese Medicine.
